Saturday, October 31, 2009

So, I tend to ramble...

I can't tell a story in under 20 minutes.

This is just a fact I've come to accept. It's a personality quirk that some find highly annoying and some kind-hearted others chalk up to my irresistible charm. Or some variation of it.

Almost every story, can be related to another story, or a current event I read about in the paper. Maybe something that happened to me as a child. Or a television show plot. Or a Carrie Bradshaw quote.


I tend to ramble. But I've always maintained that I'm far more coherent on paper than I am in person.

As an aspiring journalist, I soak up news like a sponge. Print newspapers, online, television, I'll take it however I can get it. I'm also a political science student and one of the biggest fans of the Peace Tower you'll probably ever encounter. I find the realm of politics enthralling and I honestly can't even describe accurately why or how the addiction began.

My other addiction is coffee. I consume it like water, which I realize is vastly unhealthy but like a junkie of any kind, I know the need for my next fix is just around the corner. This also might be a factor in me speaking at a Gilmore Girls-like pace when I am really passionate about a topic.

Which is what I hope this blog will become - a space to articulate my passionate, sometimes angry, sometimes elated, often conflicted but always caffeinated thoughts on a variety of topics that cross my radar.

So, go grab a cup of joe and read on.

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